我们的服务以客户为中心,审核项目涵盖全面,从产品、单个流程的验 证,到管理体系的第三方认证,再到整个供应链的检验、开发,以及安全和符合性检查等。此外,我们还可根据您的要求,提供个性化的培训
德国最大零售商之一Lidl要求其供应商自2023年1月起必须有通过相关环境认证(STeP by Oekotex (inclusive Detox to Zero), ISO 14001, amfori BEPI Environmental Assessment, Higg FEM 四项环境认证中的任意一种),否则取消供应商资格。鉴于Lidl以及其进口商都是Amfori会员,故选择BEPI将是大部分工厂的唯一选择。
As an international company, Lidl is aware of its ecological and social responsibilities. Furthermore, Lidl is committed to its due diligence, engages in improving working conditions, strengthening human rights within the United Nations leading principles and adhers to environmental obligations in global supply
chains. National due diligence laws have built the basis for these.
As of January 2023, all T1-producers in risk countries are required to have a valid environmental Audit or Certificate in addition to current requirements for social audits. Orders will only be placed with T1-producers who fulfil these requirements.
The following environmental Audits or Certificates will be accepted:
STeP by Oekotex (inclusive Detox to Zero), ISO 14001, amfori BEPI Environmental Assessment, Higg FEM